Sunday, May 20, 2018

A Queer Utopia, Concluded: House of Refuge, Chapter 11

11 Firesong

I’m glad to have let go before deep winter.

It’s hard work enough, for body and soul, to dig a brother’s last bed through the Staghorn Lord’s outer roots when the ground isn’t like stone. And I’d been ready for at least a year. At some point, the wisdom of our bodies itself tells us when it’s time--not much differently, it turns out, than our bodies’ wisdom guiding us well all through the journey. Not much differently than a leaf knowing when to drop from a branch of the Tree.

Summerstorm has come every day since he and our brothers laid me to rest here, knelt above me, wept. Much as our Lord knelt above Gil at the very start, before He took root here to embrace His beloved, before His beloved was taken up into the life of our Lord Himself. As I too am being gathered more completely into him, day by day. The seed my brothers offer Him flows down through the soil to bless me as I rest in in His embrace. They’re with me at Full Moon; I’m among them still at Full Moon.

Summerstorm knew all along, from the day he became my companion and helper, that I’d make the passage long before him. His heart will heal. Refuge is a place for the healing of the soul that’s found no true home down country, and for the repair of the world. We’re here to be made whole, to make one another whole, to care for this land. And to bless our brothers and sisters down country as well, offering them what they can’t offer themselves or one another.

I’m still aware of them one by one as they stand or lie above me. I know their voices and their tread. I know the sounds of their Full-Moon ecstasy. Especially of Yarrow and Brightsong; of Arrowshot and Willowwind; of Yarrow’s beloved Yellowwood to whom I watched Brightsong open his heart as well through the warm, green months of summer; and of Amberleaf, who still has so much to learn of himself. May their paths be long and joyful, every one of them. May their sadness, when it comes, unlock deeper treasures of their hearts. May their happiness, when it returns, blossom into gratitude and open them more fully to themselves and to one another. May they merge, long before their own letting go, more and more fully into the Soul of Cernunnos.

Brightsong took Refuge at noon after the Full Moon of Lughnasa. I couldn’t stand through the whole ceremony, but sat in the chair Summerstorm had brought out for me to the Tree as our new brother declared, “I take Refuge in Cernunnos. I take Refuge in the ways of this House. I take Refuge in my brothers.” With that, he tied his new banner into the branches above his head among those of us all. And then the whole brotherhood gathering in around him like bees swarming, toning together, voices becoming one, Summerstorm’s arm supporting me as I rose to join them. The ritual of which men’s Coming-of-Age down country is but a type and shadow. Three dozen men murmuring together, “Twice-begotten, twice-born,” declaring his second birth, as he’d already been twice-begotten the midnight before, anointed with the seed of us all. The light of the late summer sun filtering down through the leaves of the One who receives us here.

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