Not the Solstice--the point at which darkness most fully covers the earth. Not the Equinox, when day stands balanced with night. The point when the transition from light to dark begins to accelerate, and from day to day we start to perceive it it more dramatically.
In 2025, a reminder that however dark the world, light and warmth and new life inevitably return.
It's a season to foster connection. To shelter hope and not be daunted. To keep joy alive. Allive within us. Alive among us. This in itself is an act of resistance to forces of cruelty, indifference, corruption, and greed.
Thank you for these powerful words - Sheltering hope and refusing to be daunted are powerful concepts I take forward in my current personal circumstances
ReplyDeleteThank you for this powerful and timely reminder. Sheltering hope and refusing to be daunted are important anchor points for me in my current personal circumstances.